velkominn pals,
ehem bes jer dapat award kat to aina, x tahu pon pasal tag nie..ok, lets continue..stop2 but before that pernah dengar x quote ni " an apple a day, keep the doctor away" rupenya, mmg byk khasiat apple nie..selain lancarkan sistem penghadaman, epal juga mengurangkan lemak dalam badan kita sambung tagging nieh...
The sunshine award is awarded to bloggers whose positively and creatively inspire others in blogging world
the rules
- nominate 12 others blogger
- put the award on the side bar or within a post
- let the nominees know they receive the award..
- share the love and link the person who gave you the award.
the rules
- nominate 12 others blogger
- put the award on the side bar or within a post
- let the nominees know they receive the award..
- share the love and link the person who gave you the award.
di msia..ala2 citer hntu..klu perasan, tok bomoh aka tok imam mesti bace ayat nie..

yg part innallah ha sayub tilluh..(surah yunus ayat 81)
maksudnya: sesungguhnya allah akan menampakkan kepalsuan sihir itu..
so boleh la kot amalkan kalu tetibe ade kekwn kene sampuk ker, histeria ker..maklumlah kat msia kan byk kes2 mcm ni, terutamanya kat hostel..
ok that's it....